
Last activity: 28 Dec 2020 8:49 EST
Query related to Queue-For-Processing
Pega 8.1.3
Requirment: Browse the table and get the current records and queue for processor at X hour for processing.
For this, we are using Pega Job for Browse the table and get the current records and queue the records, which have (A, B, C as fields). It does not have any key or pzInsKey field. I am looping on results and calling "Queue-For-Processing" step page is blank, dedicated queue, where "lock using equal to "None".
I tried Advanced option "Queue current snapshot of page" to true, still not working.
Issue: I tried tracing but Queue Activity is not executing and In admin studio, "Processed in last hour" count is increment and no error.
Query: Is't pzInsKey is mandatory field in step page for "Queue-For-Processing"
Please share details or POC related to
1 "lock using equal to "None"
2 "Queue current snapshot of page" to true
Thanks in Advance...
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The queue processing does not use the normal lock table, instead relying on a Store Proc to do all of the heavy lifting.
If you open this Community Post:
The queue processing does not use the normal lock table, instead relying on a Store Proc to do all of the heavy lifting.
If you open this Community Post:
and go down to the bottom under "Related Content", you will see a link to which is a location with all of the sprocs for reservequeueitem.

Thanks for your response..
Configuration for "Queue-For-Processing" method i.e. step page is XYZ, dedicated queue, where "lock using equal to "None"
Query: While tracing the Queue processor in Admin Studio
1 When "Queue-For-Processing" method step page contain pzInsKey, I am able to trace Queue processor activity.
2 When "Queue-For-Processing" method step page do not have pzInsKey, I am able to trace Queue processor activity.
3 When "Queue-For-Processing" method step page do not have pzInsKey and Advanced option "Queue current snapshot of page" to true, still not working, I am able to trace Queue processor activity.
You can try POC in your system for Point 2 & 3. Please help in resolving the issue mentioned in Point 2 & 3 above.
Thanks in Advance....

Pegasystems Inc.
I thought you would have seen something show up when tracing the Queue Processor since you mentioned the processed count increased. Have you tried enabling debug logging on the pxBackgroundProcessing.QueueProcessor category in Admin studio?

Nothing is showning in tracer for "XYZ" Queue Processor.
I have tried enabling debug logging on the pxBackgroundProcessing.QueueProcessor category in Admin studio.
Could you please help in debuging....
Thanks in Advance

Pegasystems Inc.
Are you able to share anything from the logs with the debug logging enabled? If not, then you will probably need to open an SR so an engineer can work with you.

logs with the debug logging enabled
- Enqueuing message to XXXX with null activity
- Creating page with XYZ 0170 inskey. Ignoring all other properties
- Creating wrapper page.
- Using current access group for processing message
- Adding access group Pega:Administra
- Commiting 1 deferred messages of XXXXXX queue processor.
- Trying to commit deferred messages.
- Queuing messages to XXXXXX.
- Trying to queue message to XXXXXX dataset. Page xml is <?xml version="1.0"?>
Issue: I am not able to trace XXXX Queue Processor
Thanks in Advance.....

I have logs with the debug logging enabled for pxBackgroundProcessing.QueueProcessor category
- Enqueuing message to XXXX with null activity - Creating page with XYZ 0170 inskey. Ignoring all other properties - Creating wrapper page. - Using current access group for processing message - Adding access group Pega:Administra - Commiting 1 deferred messages of XXXXXX queue processor. - Trying to commit deferred messages. - Queuing messages to XXXXXX. - Trying to queue message to XXXXXX dataset. Page xml is <?xml version="1.0"?>
Issue: I am not able to trace XXXX Queue Processor
Thanks in Advance.....
Vaishnavi Batchu

I have logs with the debug logging enabled for pxBackgroundProcessing.QueueProcessor category
- Enqueuing message to XXXX with null activity - Creating page with XYZ 0170 inskey. Ignoring all other properties - Creating wrapper page. - Using current access group for processing message - Adding access group Pega:Administra - Commiting 1 deferred messages of XXXXXX queue processor. - Trying to commit deferred messages. - Queuing messages to XXXXXX. - Trying to queue message to XXXXXX dataset. Page xml is <?xml version="1.0"?>
Issue: I am not able to trace XXXX Queue Processor

Hi Rajasekhar,
Is this issue solved?
I have same scenario and i am also facing the same issue. Not able to trace Queue items.
Appreciate if you can help me with the solution/any work around you are using for this.
Thank you.

Pegasystems Inc.
After speaking to some of my SMEs, they have requested that you open an SR and refernce this thread as they would like to conduct a Screen Share with you to further troubleshoot.
Thank you!
Marissa | Senior Moderator | Pega Collaboration Center

Hello Marissa,
I have similar requirement and facing similar issue.
Can you help me with the resolution for this issue.
Currently working with 8.1.1 version

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi @NagaRamesh
Thank you for replying on this related thread for your question. It appears that this thread is inactive and I would like to request you ask a new question in the PCC to alert users that you need help!
Please feel free to reference this thread in your Question.
Thank you!