
Last activity: 6 Oct 2017 18:30 EDT
pyWorkParty(Contact) Work Party gets created with wrong class in Service case
We have a scenario where the Contact WorkParty (pyWorkParty(Contact) )gets populated with all the data till the Interaction driver screen. Now when the user launched a service case, the WorkParty on the S case thread is missing the same data. We are using D_CopyParentData data page to copy data from Interaction to service case.
This works fine for most of the time, but occasionally we are seeing WorkParty on S case is of the Class Data-Party. Where it should have been of our application specific Class. In this scenario all the account specific data is missing from contact party.
We are using Pega 7.2.1. CPM 7.2.1
Analysis so far: Looks like while copying data from I case to the S case, the work party is being overridden in some OOTB activity, changing the pxObjClass of the WorkParty page.