Property not matched - try/catch not working
I am having a really hard time figuring out why this is not working properly. I have added a try/catch but I do no think the catch is working properly, it may be the type of exception. I selected openspan->Automation-> invalidLinkException. I have a web adapter that is trying to open a java web application. Before the Java application will open I have to select the Run Button on a pop up. When I run the application locally through studio I do not get the error as often as when I run it through runtime, which appears to be slower. I am first waiting 75 seconds and then checking the Run button properties to see if it is enabled before I perform the click. If not enabled I am looping through every .5 seconds to see if it is enabled. The problem that I am having is no matter what I put in the forLoop I get the same error "btnRunJava is not matched". I am not sure why I would be getting this error. If it were not matched then it should go to false and then eventually the forLoop would timeout correct? I have attached my code and the error, any suggestions would help.