Is that possible to lock an object with different user by using Obj-Open method?
I'm looking for using Obj-Open to lock an existing object by specifying the user not the logged in user.
As i read in the help of Obj-Open method that propertyName it can be an array list (Enter in this array the name of each property or properties and the associated values that together make up the key of the instance to be opened).
In addition that my defined object class only have one property in the keys section.
Should i add another key in my class object to be able to send more than one parameter in the Obj-Open method?
One more question: where i can find the code or the activity that collect the needed data for inserting lock line in PR_SYS_LOCKS database table?
***Updated by Moderator: Lochan. Removed user added helpme tag. Apologies for confusion, shouldn't have been an end-user option; updated Category***