Populating adaptive model predictors in pxDecisionResults data set in Delayed Adaptive Learning
Hi All,
We are trying to implement Delayed Adaptive Learning and to achieve this we created a make decision dataflow as below.
Mainly DF can be explained as below
- Eligible propositions are composed into a page list
- Responses are composed into a page list
- Adaptive Model predictors are composed into a single page
- A strategy defined in mode of "Make decision and store results data for later response"
The strategy options we use in below. We import eligible propositions by using Data Import component. So the main path is not proposition data.
Hi All,
We are trying to implement Delayed Adaptive Learning and to achieve this we created a make decision dataflow as below.
Mainly DF can be explained as below
- Eligible propositions are composed into a page list
- Responses are composed into a page list
- Adaptive Model predictors are composed into a single page
- A strategy defined in mode of "Make decision and store results data for later response"
The strategy options we use in below. We import eligible propositions by using Data Import component. So the main path is not proposition data.
By running this DF with this strategy(Data import is main path), we are not able to populate pxADMInput property in the pxDecisionResults data set. However when we make the Proposition data in the main path(changing reference and input of data join), we are able to populate our predictors in pxADMInput property of pxDecisionResults data set.
Is there any way that we could populate adaptive model predictors to populate in pxADMInput property of pxDecisionResults data set?