
Stratosphere Technical Consulting
Last activity: 27 Aug 2019 15:52 EDT
Performing assignment in spinoff flow causes error
Using v7.3.1
I have a very simple spinoff flow that creates one assignment. Once that assignment is performed, the spinoff flow should end.
When I perform the assignment and click 'submit', I get the error "The reference .pxFlow() is not valid. Reason: contains empty subscript(s)”. The logfile confirms this is an InvalidReferenceException.
The tracer shows the exception happening in step 24 of activity Assign-.CompleteAssignment, which is a Java step that uses the final function StartFlow, which has the further potential to call other final functions. This step and the functions use the local parameter refFlowName to form the correct reference to .pxFlow(). I have confirmed refFlowName has the correct value at the time StartFlow is called, such that the reference should be .pxFlow(QualityCheck). However, since all the functions called are final, I cannot determine where or why the invalid reference is being formed.
Any ideas how I can get rid of this error so my spinoff assignment completes properly?
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