Last activity: 8 Feb 2016 23:16 EST
pega.u.d.reloadSection steals focus
We got section on form that should be refreshed periodically.
To achieve it, we use javascript with setInterval that calls pega.u.d.reloadSection.
Unfortunately, each refresh steals focus from active control.
Also, if browser window is not active, refresh causes blinking icon in taskbar. Sometimes browser window became active and steals focus from other window.
Are there any way to prevent such focus issues? Or any other way to refresh section periodically?
Pega 7.1.8, win7, ie11
Thanks in advance,
Yuriy Berdnikov
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Pegasystems Inc.
Why do you need to refresh a input form periodically instead of user action driven (i.e. chane, click etc)?
It`s business requirement. User must see actual information even if he do not interact with interface at that time.
Pegasystems Inc.
>User must see actual information even if he do not interact with interface at that time.
then why you need to care focused control anyway?
is your application like a chatting application that need to set focus on the text input area while continuously update the conversation history?
There are two scenarios:
1) Browser window is on background, user is working with some other program. Refreshing section causes blinking browser icon and sometimes browser window appears in the front.
2) User enters some text in the form in another pega tab (not browser tab). When section refreshes, control lose focus and user must click on the control to be able to enter text again.
I think both scenarios have common cause - some focus control issue in reloadSection function.
Pegasystems Inc.
as far as scenario #1 - window.focus is indeed called in several places of the UI Engine including during a refresh section - Loosing the focus is specific to Internet Explorer and should be fine with other browsers like Chrome or Firefox. It is unfortunately not possible to override the window.focus method in IE. Have you tried with a different browser ?
Both scenarion work fine in Firefox.
Unfortunately, our customer uses ie11 only.
Pegasystems Inc.
in IE, all the tabs (even thy are on a different window) can take focus from the other tabs - this is not the case with other browsers.
The only way to avoid that would be to be to skip window.focus on a reload section - i I would open a Customer Support Request to see if it is possible to get a hot fix or a workaround for this issue.
Hello Richard,
any new information you have for the workaround you talked above for the issue ? having same behavior for IE 11 but not for chrome