
Accenture Solutions Co Ltd
Last activity: 31 May 2018 17:30 EDT
PegaSmartClaimsEnginefor Healthcare 7.31 portal is not working
After installationn PegaSmartClaimsEnginefor Healthcare 7.31, I am not able to test the installation.
All the rule stack is mentioned .
And for my part ; i didnt the following from the installation guide.
Populating optimized columns Runthefollowingutility activity ruletopopulatethosepropertiesthatareoptimizedinthePega SmartClaimsEngineforHealthcareengineapplicationlayer. l UtlPopulateOptimizedProps
While testing the installation
Testing the installation
Completethefollowingstepstoverify thatthePegaSmartClaimsEngineforHealthcareinstallation processhascompletedsuccessfully. 1. LoginwiththeAdministrator@SCEoperatorID. a. From theLaunch menu, select Business AnalysttoaccesstheBusinessAnalystportal.
2. IntheBusinessAnalystportal, clickTest suite > Test claim