Last activity: 24 Apr 2019 8:31 EDT
Pega runtime enterprise 8.0.2014 compatibility with Redistributables 2017, version- 14.16.27012.6
Hi Team,
I downloaded Pega Runtime Enterprise 8.0.2014 from your site. The package came with C++ Redistributables 2017, version- 14.10.25017.
I work for an organisation which has approved Redistributables 2017, version- 14.16.27012.6.
I am not supposed to install Redistributables 2017, version- 14.10.25017 on my organisations' machines(which are provided as a part of the pega runtime package).
My query - Is Pega Runtime Enterprise 8.0.2014 compatible with Redistributables 2017, version- 14.16.27012.6 ?
***Moderator Edit-Vidyaranjan: Updated SR details***
***Edited by Moderator: Pallavi to update platform capability tags***