
BPM Company
Last activity: 16 Oct 2018 12:03 EDT
Pega Robotics - Error trying to show fields in the Robotic Activity (Error Receiving Data From Pega)
I'm trying to show robotic's activity fields but every time i click to show i got the error: Error Receiving Data From Pega
I'd like to use it without authentication because the authentication checkbox in the Service Package API is turned off.
I can access through browser (without auth) using the URL http:// Proprietary information hidden/nfe/api/v1/data/D_pxRuleResolvedRelevantRecords?ContextClass=xxx-yyy-Data-Customer&RecordType=Rule-Obj-Property
How to disable the authentication when retrieve robotic's activity fields?
StudioConfig.pdf - StudioConfig.xml
RuntimeConfig.pdf - RuntimeConfig.xml
Chrome.png - image showing json response
Fiddler.png - image showing the auth and the auth error
***Updated by moderator: Lochan to remove proprietary information***
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to add SR Details***
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This post has been archived for educational purposes. Contents and links will no longer be updated. If you have the same/similar question, please write a new post.
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Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
This issue is due to a default HTTP Basic authentication configuration at Weblogic level. This configuration enforces or looks for Weblogic server authentication on seeing HTTP 401, meaning the user needs to pass Weblogic server credentials first. But user provides the Pega credentials on the first pop-up and therefore the pop-up keeps coming back.
The resolution to this was to use a Weblogic Console User ID and create an Operator in Pega with the same name/password as Weblogic in order to pass basic auth with Weblogic to then make it on to Pega Basic Auth.

BPM Company
Service Package API.png

Pegasystems Inc.
Can you attach verbose Studio/Runtime logging of the problem for further review?

BPM Company
Error | 03:10:09.097 | 1 | STA | Robotics | | | Error requesting data from Pega. http://10.xx.xx.12/nfe/api/v1/data/D_pxRuleResolvedRelevantRecords?ContextClass=XXXX-Data-Customer&RecordType=Rule-Obj-Property
Error | 03:10:09.098 | 1 | STA | Robotics | | | Code: Unauthorized(401), Content: System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[System.String]

Pegasystems Inc.
You need to have authentication enabled. Also disable TLS/SSL once authentication is enabled.
Updated: 20 Oct 2017 3:47 EDT

BPM Company
Is it mandatory to have authentication enabled?
Without auth enabled I can request by browser or API test page.
Is it mandatory to have authentication enabled?
Without auth enabled I can request by browser or API test page.
This is the response when I tested by browser or API test page:
{ "pxObjClass": "Code-Pega-List", "pxResultCount": "3", "pyObjClass": "Data-Tag-RelevantRecord", "pxResults": [ { "pxInsId": "!PXPARTYROLE", "pxObjClass": "Data-Tag-RelevantRecord", "pxUpdateDateTime": "2002-06-26T21:24:19.000Z", "pxUpdateOperator": "<your email address>", "pxUpdateOpName": "<your name>", "pyClassName": "Data-Party", "pyLabel": "Party role", "pyPropertyType": "String", "pyRecordType": "Rule-Obj-Property", "pyRuleClassProperty": "Property", "pyRuleName": "pxPartyRole", "pzInsKey": "RULE-OBJ-PROPERTY DATA-PARTY PXPARTYROLE #20130919T001446.239 GMT" }, { "pxInsId": "!PYFULLNAME", "pxObjClass": "Data-Tag-RelevantRecord", "pxUpdateDateTime": "2003-09-30T20:30:51.000Z", "pxUpdateOperator": "<your email address>", "pxUpdateOpName": "<your name>", "pyClassName": "Data-Party", "pyLabel": "Full Name", "pyPropertyType": "String", "pyRecordType": "Rule-Obj-Property", "pyRuleClassProperty": "Property", "pyRuleName": "pyFullName", "pzInsKey": "RULE-OBJ-PROPERTY DATA-PARTY PYFULLNAME #20130919T001448.061 GMT" }, { "pxInsId": "!PYNAMESUFFIX", "pxObjClass": "Data-Tag-RelevantRecord", "pxUpdateDateTime": "2003-09-30T20:35:08.000Z", "pxUpdateOperator": "<your email address>", "pxUpdateOpName": "<your name>", "pyClassName": "Data-Party", "pyLabel": "Name Suffix", "pyPropertyType": "String", "pyRecordType": "Rule-Obj-Property", "pyRuleClassProperty": "Property", "pyRuleName": "pyNameSuffix", "pzInsKey": "RULE-OBJ-PROPERTY DATA-PARTY PYNAMESUFFIX #20130919T001449.772 GMT" } ] }
***message edited by moderator:Lochan, to edit proprietary information***
Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
This issue is due to a default HTTP Basic authentication configuration at Weblogic level. This configuration enforces or looks for Weblogic server authentication on seeing HTTP 401, meaning the user needs to pass Weblogic server credentials first. But user provides the Pega credentials on the first pop-up and therefore the pop-up keeps coming back.
The resolution to this was to use a Weblogic Console User ID and create an Operator in Pega with the same name/password as Weblogic in order to pass basic auth with Weblogic to then make it on to Pega Basic Auth.

I am facing the same issue. Currently I am using PEGA personal edition and I followed the steps in tomcat as you mentioned, but still getting the same error.
Please suggest!

I don't know what's the theory behind the issue, but it worked for me.
Quick Fix: Go to api Service package in Pega, uncheck Requires authentication Field and save it. Now try it once.

Ameriprise Financials
I did the below steps to fix this issue.
Steps for Robotics Studio
Step - 1 - Go to %AppData%\Roaming\OpenSpan\RuntimeConfig.xml
Step - 2 - Locate Robotics section
Step - 3 - Change allowedOrigins to "*" and SSL to "false". It should look like below.
<LocalApiService enabled="true" SSL="false" port="9443" allowedOrigins="*" JWTSecurity="false" PegaServerURL="" />
Steps for Platform
Step - 1 - Login Pega Platform with your application operator ID.
Step - 2 - In Left side penal go to Records >> Integration-Resources >> Service Package and open API
Step - 3 - Uncheck "Require TLS/SSL for REST services in this package" check box and save
Test it again. It should be able to fix the error msg.