Pega Robotics - Asset Import / Promote Up The Stack
PRPC: 8.8 RobotManager: 8.8.1 Pega Robotics: Proprietary information hidden
We're attempting to promote v22 solutions to our CERT stack, but some of those solutions are dependent on assets.
The assets are not yet deployed to our CERT RobotManager instance. What is the correct way to move assets from DEV->CERT->PROD?
Our current process for packages is to fetch the code from SCM and redeploy in each stack as we promote it up.
This won't work for assets as the asset must retain all versions to ensure any solutions referencing older versions still function. Fetching the source code and redeploying will not solve for this unless we fetch every single version and redeploy each one. This can become quite cumbersome.
Package Importer: I've attempted to copy the package repository ASSETS folder and use the pxImportAutomationPackageFromRepo activity to import the packages, but this activity appears to be specific to the packages, not assets, as it is looking in path/PACKAGES/ and is failing to locate the intended path/ASSETS/ directory.