
Tata Consultancy Services
Tata Consultancy Services
Tata Consultancy Services
Posted: Mar 28, 2017
Last activity: Mar 30, 2017
Last activity: 30 Mar 2017 7:16 EDT
Pega Rest connectivity issue with additional fields in service
We are facing an issue with the Rest Connectors. We had created a new service with the parameters requires for Pega and consumed the services with the same definition.
After that, we had to add a few (3-4) more parameters to the same service considering re-usability of the service. We are still sending all parameters that were defined in initial contract.
Now the initial rest connect that was defined with the old definition stopped working and is only working when we remove these additional params from the service.
This is in contrast to how we work with same web service consumed by different downstream systems.
Can anyone share your thoughts on this and how we can achieve the requirement, without pega adding new properties or service removing the extra parameters from the response?