
Prime Therapeutics
Last activity: 9 Apr 2018 16:31 EDT
Connect Rest Issues
My first question : Can a Connect Rest (POST method) accept xml as input and give JSON as response back. ( It worked successfully from SOAP UI )
I used Rest integration Wizard. gave the URL details selected POST as resource method and added header.
For data model . I entered Header as "application/xml"
pasted the xml which i used soap ui and clicked the RUN button. The call was successful and gave me the REST response (I am attaching a document for reference). Tried to complete the connect rule but it failed in completing with error and attached the error log.
Now that we can see a successful response back for the input xml we are still not sure what could be the reason behind the error we see in the log and why the connect rest rule is not being created.
Please find the attachment for screen shots.
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update SR Details***
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