
Last activity: 16 May 2021 3:30 EDT
pega platform 8.4 Personal edition fails to start
Hello everyone,
the startup of my freshly installed pega plattform personal edition 8.4.0 fails. See the attached file below.
The installation was successful without any errors or warning. I used the standard ports which were available.
Excerpt from the log file:
2020-03-24 15:49:09,687 [tionTask-Executor:24] [ STANDARD] [ ] [ ] (icepulse.RunInitializationTask) ERROR - Failed to prepare partitions for run [pzStandardProcessor]
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: Unable to connect to the stream provider.
Caused by: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: Unable to connect to the stream provider.
Caused by: Unable to connect to the stream provider.
Caused by: org.apache.kafka.common.errors.TimeoutException: Timed out waiting for a node assignment.
Any comments and suggestions would be appreciated.
kind regards,
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update Platform Capability tags****
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Pegasystems Inc.
Is it the very first error on your log? Can you share the full log?

Thank you for your response.
The ful log file is already attached to my question. I've just copied the error statements in the excerpt. For full context see the file pega PE 4.8 startup log.txt .
Kind regards,

Pegasystems Inc.
Sorry about that.
The first issue is a Charlatan issue. This is usually due to Tomcat jvm killed not gracefully and Kafka jmv still running. Tomcat is started: existing Kafka process connects to the Charlatan and got rejected with session expired error.
Other issues might be due to wrong definition of context.xml. Can you share it as well?

Well, which one do you need? 1 , 2, or 3?
1 "C:\PRPCPersonalEdition\tomcat\conf\context.xml"
2 "C:\PRPCPersonalEdition\tomcat\webapps\host-manager\META-INF\context.xml"
3 "C:\PRPCPersonalEdition\tomcat\webapps\manager\META-INF\context.xml"
I attached all thee and added the respective number as a prefix. Moreover, I had to add .txt as a postfix due to upload liminiations.

IQZ Systems
I think this is due to you personal system issues. I think it is unable to use the port numbers to start the server.
Please try this
Or else cleanup the existing install and try re installing the Personal Edition and when you re install you try checking port availability as below.
and also make sure you have enough space as per the requirement
Before installing the Personal Edition, confirm that your workstation meets the following prerequisites:
- Intel-based personal computer or laptop with at least 2 GB of free RAM running a supported 64-bit version of Microsoft Windows. For information about supported versions, see the Platform Support Guide.
20 GB of free disk space for the following components:
5 GB for the downloaded files, which you can delete after installation
5 GB to extract the .zip files, which you can delete after installation
8 GB for the installed files, which may increase over time as you use the system
I think this is due to you personal system issues. I think it is unable to use the port numbers to start the server.
Please try this
Or else cleanup the existing install and try re installing the Personal Edition and when you re install you try checking port availability as below.
and also make sure you have enough space as per the requirement
Before installing the Personal Edition, confirm that your workstation meets the following prerequisites:
- Intel-based personal computer or laptop with at least 2 GB of free RAM running a supported 64-bit version of Microsoft Windows. For information about supported versions, see the Platform Support Guide.
20 GB of free disk space for the following components:
5 GB for the downloaded files, which you can delete after installation
5 GB to extract the .zip files, which you can delete after installation
8 GB for the installed files, which may increase over time as you use the system
- A supported browser version:
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 or later
- Mozilla Firefox 5 or later
- Google Chrome 9 or later

Thank you.
I checked the ports during the installation. They were available according to the test. See screenshot in 2020Pega_installation_problems.docx
Actually I did uninstall the software before I raised my question. It did not help, same problem. I followed the instruction on (-> Uninstalling the Personal Edition) . However, I am not sure how to close Tomcat. Is it done by using the shutdown script ('Pega Platform 8.4.0 Shutdown')?
I tried to follow the instruction on However, I did not understand resolution. How do set the below prconfig settings on each JVM ?
- dsm/services/stream/pyBrokerPort (default 9092)
- dsm/services/stream/pyKeeperPort (default 2181)
- dsm/services/stream/pyJmxPort ( default 9999)
- dsm/services/stream/pyPort (default 7003)
I am using Windows 10 64 bit.
Any help is much appreciated!
Kind regards,

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Adrian,
pls check which is more clear about how to set those properties.
On my local PC I run 2 instances of 8.4 Personal Edition. In one of them I edited prconfig.xml by adding the following lines:
<env name="dsm/services/stream/pyBrokerPort" value="9093" />
<env name="dsm/services/stream/pyKeeperPort" value="2182" />
<env name="dsm/services/stream/pyJmxPort" value="9999" />
<env name="dsm/services/stream/pyPort" value="7004" />
You may also run resmon.exe and in "TCP Connections" section identify the process which is running on port 2181 (or any other which is blocking you)
Regards, Maciek

I did a re-installation and used different ports. I check whether the ports are available using the test and a port scanner. They were. Same problems though.
Updated: 11 Nov 2020 6:23 EST

Cognizant Technology Solutions
Hi Adrian,
I recently installed PRPC perosnal edition 8.5 and facing same issues. Can you pls suggest me how you resolved your issue?
1. Port 8080 is available.
2. I reinstalled it and getting same error.
3. After sever start, I'm getting login window. Once I enter ID & password it is loading for years!!! No luck ☹️
4. Disk is having around 50GB free space. 4GB RAM and it's 64bit Win 10 machine
5. Tried both in Chrome and IE!

I'm facing similar issue with 8.5.1, previously I tried with 8.4 with no Iuck. The startup is taking forever to load and once I click on login shortcut it's not loading the login screen. Is there anyway we can resolve this issue?
I am having 4gb ram, with more than 200gb of free space and 64bit win 10 machine

Cognitonic Systems
U can remove all the folders and files from tomcat\kafka-data directory and then try to start your Personal Edition