
Posted: Apr 23, 2017
Last activity: Apr 24, 2017
Last activity: 24 Apr 2017 14:17 EDT
Pega Mobility - Security questions
- How is data stored within the Pega mobile app, is it encrypted on the device? Can you describe how the data is secured?
- REQ: Agencies should encrypt information on all mobile devices using at least an AACA
- Can the source files for Pega mobile app be supplied (.ipa (iOS) & .apk (Android)? For the intention of the client re-packaging it and supplying the mobile app through its Citrix Xenmobile MAM solution.
- Does the Pega mobile app cache ALL data (and user lists) or only the data required for the active user? For example: if the mobile device is in offline mode, can anyone log into it? (because all users and data is cached), or only users that have been online and active?