
Wipro Limited
Last activity: 3 May 2021 7:34 EDT
Pega Data Scientist Exam
Dear All,
I am looking up to help here, with regards to PCDS exam.
Any practice materials, mock tests (apart from just one available in the course material), previous Q&As, sample Qs, etc, will be highly appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
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Giuseppe Scarpati -
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Accepted Solution
Updated: 3 May 2021 7:34 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
@SuchitP1 Currently, all available questions can be found in the Data scientist mission itself, both at the end of each module and in the Mission test.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Suchit,
Apart from the quiz questions embedded in the Pega Data Scientist course, a practice exam is available as a separate course on Pega Academy (
If you have any specific questions, please don't hesitate to reach out.
Best regards, Hans.

Wipro Limited
@thijh Thank you for helping, and my apologies for such late response.
But, this link did not have much to offer in terms of sample qs, practice test, qs dumps, etc.
Accepted Solution
Updated: 3 May 2021 7:34 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
@SuchitP1 Currently, all available questions can be found in the Data scientist mission itself, both at the end of each module and in the Mission test.

Wipro Limited
@thijh thank you for writing to me and guiding me. I am happy to share that I have cleared the PCDS exam. Regards, Suchit
Anand Kothamangalam kunal choudhary

Pegasystems Inc.
It turns out that the best preparation for the Data Scientist exam is to do the exercises, and to take the practice exam.

Wipro Limited
@Marco Looy thank you