
Ernst & Young
Last activity: 28 Feb 2023 0:24 EST
Pega CSA certificate did not receive
Hi Team,
This is Vivek, I have given my Pega CSA 8.7v test on 8th of Feb 2023 and successfully cleared the test but I did not receive the certificate yet into my Pega account. Please confirm me by what date my certificate will be added to my pega account or PDN.
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Vivek Singh -
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Accepted Solution
Updated: 28 Feb 2023 0:24 EST

NCS Pte. Ltd
Hi @VivekS1934: Thanks for the update. I could see your achievements in your profile.
In Pearson, you can see the exam history and score report. Certificate can be downloaded from your PEGA account (My Profile -> Achievements -> Download icon below the achievement).
Regarding the certification ID, I don't see a certification id for each. Instead if you want to verify your PEGA certification, you can do it using
Updated: 20 Feb 2023 2:16 EST

NCS Pte. Ltd
Hi @VivekS1934: In general it will take about 5 business days to view the certificate details in PEGA profile. Please check if the email address associated with your PEGA profile and the one used for pearson vue is same.
You can check the FAQ's here:
You can wait for few days, if the certificate is not reflected and if your account setup is correct, please reach [email protected].
Marije Schillern
Updated: 20 Feb 2023 12:43 EST

Ernst & Young
Hi @ArulDevan,
My Pega account is setup correctly but still I haven't received my Pega CSA certificate neither in pega account nor the email that one I used for Pearson vue. Only I can see my scorecard report in my Pearson vue profile. It has been already 12 days including Saturday and Sunday since I had been cleared and attempted the test.
By the way are you saying that the email id which is associated with the PEGA account should be match with an email id used in "Primary Contact Information" of Pearson vue.
Note : "Primary Contact Information" of Pearson vue will be visible by clicking on "My Profile" Under "My Account" once log in into Pearson account.
You can also find the attachment for your reference.

NCS Pte. Ltd
Hi @VivekS1934: If your primary email address in PEGA account and the Email address in primary contact information of Pearson account are same, you are good. Please also check if you are able to see the exam history and score report in Pearson account. If it is good and if the certificate is not yet synced with PEGA account, please seek assistance from [email protected].

Ernst & Young
Hi @ArulDevan: Suppose if I have made changes in both the account and add the same email address in both side then how many days it will take to reflect in Pegasystems side and how many days it will take to send the certificate ?
In my case, the primary email address is of my company email address in Pega account and the email address is added in Primary contact information of Pearson account is my personal Gmail address. When I was creating Pearson account at that time I have used my personal email address so my personal email address is sync with Pearson account. That is not a big deal, I can edit the email address which is in my Pearson account and change it to the email address which is in my Primary email address of my Pega account.
But the thing is as I heard that Pega will send the certificate to both the side means in Pega account as well as in my Pearson account. But how is it possible if my email address in both the side is same. My Official company email id will be in both the side then how will I receive the certificate in my Pearson account ?
Note : As of now Primary email address of Pega account is occupied with Company email address and Primary contact information of Pearson account is occupied with Personal Gmail address.
Yes my exam history and score report is visible in my Pearson account.

NCS Pte. Ltd
Hi @VivekS1934: In your case, have you added your personal email address in your PEGA account as OTHER EMAIL ADDRESSES (ASSOCIATED WITH THIS ACCOUNT)?

Ernst & Young
Hi @ArulDevan, Yes day before yesterday I have added my personal email address in my PEGA account as OTHER EMAIL ADDRESSES (ASSOCIATED WITH THIS ACCOUNT).
But previously it was not added. Just day before yesterday I have added my personal email address to Pega account as OTHER EMAIL ADDRESSES (ASSOCIATED WITH THIS ACCOUNT) .
You can also refer to my attachment, I am attaching the screenshot for your reference.

NCS Pte. Ltd
Hi @VivekS1934: In such case, please wait for 2 - 3 days from the change. If the certification is not reflected, you need to seek assistance from [email protected].
Updated: 23 Feb 2023 0:55 EST

Ernst & Young
Hi @ArulDevan, I have received my PEGA CSA 8.7v certificate last night at 1.30 Am in my Pega account.
The final question is - (1) how to see the certificate in my Pearson account? I mean where to go and see/download the certificate from Pearson?
(2) Is there any unique certificate id on the PEGA CSA certificate that I received?
Accepted Solution
Updated: 28 Feb 2023 0:24 EST

NCS Pte. Ltd
Hi @VivekS1934: Thanks for the update. I could see your achievements in your profile.
In Pearson, you can see the exam history and score report. Certificate can be downloaded from your PEGA account (My Profile -> Achievements -> Download icon below the achievement).
Regarding the certification ID, I don't see a certification id for each. Instead if you want to verify your PEGA certification, you can do it using

Ernst & Young
Hi @ArulDevan, Thanks for your continuous support and it helped me a lot to till my achievements.
I am accepting the solution, Again thanks a lot to this milestone @ArulDevan !!
Aruldevan Thangappan T