TATA Consultancy Services Ltd
Last activity: 31 Aug 2021 9:10 EDT
Pega Certification - Challenge Query
Hi Team,
I am doing certifications in PegaAcademy. In one of the challenges the last step for completion is 'Please initiate your pega cloud environment'
Kindly advice how can I complete the same.
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@NilaR381 In one of the initial topics of that challenge or under exercise section, there would be an option to initiate Pega cloud environment for exercise purpose.
TATA Consultancy Services Ltd
@amolstayade this is a challenge in-between a course. I have launched Pega via 'Initialize Pega instance for this challenge' but at the end I have a message like, 'To complete this challenge, initiate your Pega cloud environment'
Accord (Ex Employer)
There will be a button 'Initialize Pega Instance for this challenge', Click on that to initialize exercise system.
If you don't see the button probably you would not have logged in to Pega academy. Log in and then try again.
TATA Consultancy Services Ltd
@NagaPriyaK this is a challenge in-between a course. I have launched Pega via 'Initialize Pega instance for this challenge' but at the end I have a message like, 'To complete this challenge, initiate your Pega cloud environment' I have logged in using my official mail-id and I am doing the course.
Pegasystems Inc.
@NilaR381 Did you click approve (the final step)? I believe it is asking you to initiate because you did not complete the step.
Accord (Ex Employer)
Were you able to complete the challenge?