Pega 8.2.1 upgrade- Attachment section changes - cust
My project is geeting upgraded from 7.3.1 to 8.2.1
In the -pega 8.2.1 upgraded environment the attachment section has changed. We have four tabs for rich text ,file upload,already existing document and URL.
I have two problems
1.These tabs are dynamically populated from pzPopulateDocumentSourceOptions data transform . These are final rules . In the 7.3.1 version before upgrade I had a requirement that we could only upload PDF file and nothing else. How can I disable the other three tabs?
2. Also I can only attach PDF files and nothing other then that as per requirement. No other extension like xlxs,jpeg ,xml. How can I do this customization. In the attachfile final activity I saw an extension point Call virus check . I am trying to customize that so that we get page set message error on when the file type is not .pdf.
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****