
Last activity: 7 May 2019 3:43 EDT
PEGA 8.2 Installation Error: cannot use PL/Java before successfully completing its setup
Hello community,
I am trying to install Pega 8.2 to Postgres 9.6 on Windows 10. I have been able to create the SQLJ schema successfully after copying the pljava files to the postgres directory and updating postgresql.conf as below.
pljava.classpath='C:\\Program Files\\PostgreSQL\\9.6\\lib\\pljava.jar'
pljava.vmoptions = '-Xms32M -Xmx64M -XX:ParallelGCThreads=2'
work_mem = 5MB
pljava.libjvm_location = '%JRE_HOME%\\bin\\server\\jvm.dll'
Even though the paths above are ok, I get the error highlighted below. Any help is appreciated.
Hello community,
I am trying to install Pega 8.2 to Postgres 9.6 on Windows 10. I have been able to create the SQLJ schema successfully after copying the pljava files to the postgres directory and updating postgresql.conf as below.
pljava.classpath='C:\\Program Files\\PostgreSQL\\9.6\\lib\\pljava.jar'
pljava.vmoptions = '-Xms32M -Xmx64M -XX:ParallelGCThreads=2'
work_mem = 5MB
pljava.libjvm_location = '%JRE_HOME%\\bin\\server\\jvm.dll'
Even though the paths above are ok, I get the error highlighted below. Any help is appreciated.
Execute SQL In Transaction:false
[mkdir] Created dir: C:\Users\ronny\AppData\Local\Temp\PegaInstallTemp-02-May-2019-23.29.50\udf_temp
[copy] Copying 6 files to C:\Users\ronny\AppData\Local\Temp\PegaInstallTemp-02-May-2019-23.29.50\udf_temp
[echo] arg values : --config=C:\Users\ronny\AppData\Local\Temp\/PegaInstallTemp-02-May-2019-23.29.50/ --profile=install.postgres --dataOnly=false --rulesOnly=${db.onlyRules} --run-in-transaction=false --jar-path=C:\Users\ronny\Documents\116328_Pega82.1\scripts/../archives/udf/prreadstream.jar C:\Users\ronny\AppData\Local\Temp\/PegaInstallTemp-02-May-2019-23.29.50/udf_temp
[java] 2019-05-02 23:34:05,795 ( UDFManager) INFO - AutoCommit set to true. Executing with out transaction
[java] 2019-05-02 23:34:05,795 ( PostgresUDFJarLoader) INFO - Loading UDF jar on Postgres DB
[java] 2019-05-02 23:34:05,811 ( ConnectionWrapper) INFO - Attempting to load profile "install.postgres":
[java] 2019-05-02 23:34:05,811 ( ConnectionWrapper) INFO - Type: postgres
[java] 2019-05-02 23:34:05,811 ( ConnectionWrapper) INFO - Class: org.postgresql.Driver
[java] 2019-05-02 23:34:05,811 ( ConnectionWrapper) INFO - URL: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/pegasus
[java] 2019-05-02 23:34:05,811 ( ConnectionWrapper) INFO - User: pega_admin
[java] 2019-05-02 23:34:05,811 ( ConnectionWrapper) INFO - JDBC Properties:
[java] 2019-05-02 23:34:06,029 ( ConnectionWrapper) INFO - Autocommit set to true
[java] 2019-05-02 23:34:06,045 ( PostgresUDFJarLoader) INFO - Jar is not already loaded in schema pegarules
[java] 2019-05-02 23:34:06,248 ( PostgresUDFJarLoader) WARNING - Encountered a database problem when attempting to load jar onto PostgreSQL: ERROR: cannot use PL/Java before successfully completing its setup
[java] Hint: Check the log for messages closely preceding this one, detailing what step of setup failed and what will be needed, probably setting one of the "pljava." configuration variables, to complete the setup. If there is not enough help in the log, try again with different settings for "log_min_messages" or "log_error_verbosity".
[java] 2019-05-02 23:34:06,248 ( PostgresUDFJarLoader) WARNING -
[java] *****************************************************************************************************
[java] Encountered database error attempting to load UDF library onto PostgreSQL, clean schema before running again.
[java] *****************************************************************************************************
[java] Exception in thread "main" org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: cannot use PL/Java before successfully completing its setup
[java] Hint: Check the log for messages closely preceding this one, detailing what step of setup failed and what will be needed, probably setting one of the "pljava." configuration variables, to complete the setup. If there is not enough help in the log, try again with different settings for "log_min_messages" or "log_error_verbosity".
[java] at org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.receiveErrorResponse(
[java] at org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.processResults(
[java] at org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.execute(
[java] at org.postgresql.jdbc.PgStatement.executeInternal(
[java] at org.postgresql.jdbc.PgStatement.execute(
[java] at org.postgresql.jdbc.PgPreparedStatement.executeWithFlags(
[java] at org.postgresql.jdbc.PgCallableStatement.executeWithFlags(
[java] at org.postgresql.jdbc.PgPreparedStatement.executeQuery(
[java] at com.pega.pegarules.install.udf.loaders.PostgresUDFJarLoader.loadJarIntoPostgres(
[java] at com.pega.pegarules.install.udf.loaders.PostgresUDFJarLoader.installJarOnPostgres(
[java] at com.pega.pegarules.install.udf.loaders.PostgresUDFJarLoader.load(
[java] at com.pega.pegarules.install.UDFManager$AbstractUDFExecutor.loadUDFJar(
[java] at com.pega.pegarules.install.UDFManager$ExecuteUDFWithOutTransaction.executeInner(
[java] at com.pega.pegarules.install.UDFManager$AbstractUDFExecutor.execute(
[java] at com.pega.pegarules.install.UDFManager.process(
[java] at com.pega.pegarules.install.UDFManager.main(
***Edited by Moderator: Pallavi to update platform capability tags***