Pega 8.1 support for Pega Robotics Studio version
Does Pega 8.1 support for Pega Robotics Studio version 8.0.1093.
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Does Pega 8.1 support for Pega Robotics Studio version 8.0.1093.
Accepted Solution
Actually Robotics Studio 8.0.1093 should be fine as the api interactions should be the same. There will most likely need to be a newer version of Robot Manager released, but that wouldn't have any bearing on Robot Studio still being able to connect to the Pega platform for case connectivity or service integration with REST or SOAP.
Integration to Robot Manager is a little different than connectivity to the actual platform. Being able to register to Robot Manager for queue access and package deployment may not be functional yet, but it shouldn't stop case connectivity.
Basically Pega 8.1 supports only Pega Robot Manager version 7.4.
Please find official documents under the link
Accepted Solution
Actually Robotics Studio 8.0.1093 should be fine as the api interactions should be the same. There will most likely need to be a newer version of Robot Manager released, but that wouldn't have any bearing on Robot Studio still being able to connect to the Pega platform for case connectivity or service integration with REST or SOAP.
Integration to Robot Manager is a little different than connectivity to the actual platform. Being able to register to Robot Manager for queue access and package deployment may not be functional yet, but it shouldn't stop case connectivity.
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