Last activity: 30 Jul 2018 6:36 EDT
Pega 7.3 LSA Certification Path- Timelines Clarification-Gap between the 3 ladders
Hi All,
As per recent changes,we know that to achieve LSA Certfication,there are some pre-requisites.
Now,i have one more question.
There are 3 layers involved to acheive LSA.
1.Lead System Architect Readiness Exam
2. Pega Architecture Exam
3. LSA 7.3 Architecture Application Build
I want to know the timelines for the exams.
For Example,if i take the "Lead System Architect Readiness Exam" in January,2018.
Then i can take Pega Architecture Exam in June 2018.
Finally,taking the LSA 7.3 Architecture Application Build in December 2018.
Is above gap between the exams is allowed?
Just a query.If anyone knows pls,let me know.
Karthik Kumaran S
***Moderator Edit: Vidyaranjan | Moved from PSC to Academy***