PDF Viewer not showing file content
1. I have added a PDF Connector and specified the File Name.
2. Created a PDF Viewer and specified the Connector created in step 1
3. But the viewer does not show the content of the file.
4. Tried to Highlight Line/Segment/Word. But got the following error message:
System.InvalidOperationException: PDF File chery.pdf cannot be opened.
at OpenSpan.Pdf.PdfConnector.PdfConnector.EnsureOpen()
at OpenSpan.Pdf.PdfConnector.PdfConnector.get_Pages()
at OpenSpan.Pdf.PdfControl.PdfViewer.HighlightLines()
at OpenSpan.Pdf.PdfControl.PdfViewer.btnHighlightLines_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
5. If I put the above file name directly in the viewer, the file content shows up in the PDF Viewer.
This PDF file have 17 pages. What is wrong here, or how can I fix the issue to load and show the pages through PDF Connector and PDF Viewer