
Endeavour Energy
Last activity: 9 Aug 2018 21:18 EDT
Passing current page of a pagelist to an activity triggered from on change event in a custom control
Hi All,
I was looking for way to pass the current page of a pagelist to an activity triggered from on On change event in a custom control in pega.
The below is the code placed in custom control which would be referred to a field in Repeat grid.
<input type="text" value='<p:r n="$this-value"/>' name='<p:r n="$this-name"/>' onChange="test('<%=tools.getActive().getPageValue().getName()%>')" />
function test(s){
var oSafeUrl = new SafeURL("className.ActivityName",getReqURI());
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags***
please let me know the changes to be done to achieve this.