Pass values to SYSTEM-QUEUE-DEFAULTENTRY instance
I am calling an agent from an activity through a Queue-For-Agent method (Agent itself is linked to an activity and of mode Standard).
I can give a StepPage (e.g. 'TestPage') to the method Queue-For-Agent. Then the instance of the SYSTEM-QUEUE-DEFAULTENTRY saves the pzInsKey of TestPage in the pyInsHandles of the SYSTEM-QUEUE-DEFAULTENTRY instance. Then the agent activity will open the TestPage based on the pyInsHandles.
My problem is that I cannot save/commit the TestPage in the db(bcz of some locking behavior), So I need to use it as a temporary page that will be passed to the AgentActivity.
1) Is that possible ?
2) Another approach is I tried giving the pzInskey a hard coded value. But on save it generates its own default pzInsKey (and overrides other instances who have the same default pzInKey)
Any ideas how can I access the values from the agent activity without saving them in the db ?
Thank you in advance for your help,
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