
Last activity: 4 Apr 2016 9:54 EDT
parsing XML - processContents=lax
I need some help in handling the processContents=lax in Pega. We are facing an issue with Parse XML when the XML contains nodes for which the XSD definition as processContents="lax". Please find below the definition
When the Metadata Accelerator is run to import this XSD, Pega generated the parse XML as shown below. There is an _any_ tag and the Node contains Element Substitution.
The XML returned by the service contains additional tags which I think need to fit in the _any_ and the parse XML is supposed to parse them.
We created properties manually in the class and added additional elements manually in the Pega generated parse XML to parse these fields but Pega is not parsing them. We have also tried defining the element names in Element Substitution area in the XML tab of the parse XML rule but did not work.
Could you please advise how to parse the elements coming in the XML which fall into processContents=lax category.