Parameterizing Subprocesses
We tried to parameterize the value passed into a subprocess shape in order to minimize the number of shapes in our flow.
Details: we launch our application and land our dashboard which has an "addtask" button that will launch flows that allow for various items to be worked. The addtask intent selected launches a flow that verifies the intent name is legitimate and then goes into a decision table that sets the flow to launch to a property based on the relevant intent name. We then set this property value to a parameter in a connector that connects with a subprocess shape. In the subprocess we pass the parameter value. This works. *these top flows will be referred to as primary flows and *all* flows are screenflows
We tried to parameterize the value passed into a subprocess shape in order to minimize the number of shapes in our flow.
Details: we launch our application and land our dashboard which has an "addtask" button that will launch flows that allow for various items to be worked. The addtask intent selected launches a flow that verifies the intent name is legitimate and then goes into a decision table that sets the flow to launch to a property based on the relevant intent name. We then set this property value to a parameter in a connector that connects with a subprocess shape. In the subprocess we pass the parameter value. This works. *these top flows will be referred to as primary flows and *all* flows are screenflows
Within the primary flows we have similar decision shape/"out" flows that we wanted to parameterize in the same way as above. What we found is that we would consistently error out whenever we launched a primary flow that had a "nested" parameterization. If this primary flow, with the "nested" params, was called from another primary flow it worked mostly as expected (the breadcrumbs were no longer present). As it currently stands launching this flow from within another primary flow is not an option. We tried various combinations of bread crumbs on/off and functionality enabled/disabled without success. We also tried to create a wrapper flow to circumvent this issue and suddenly no values were being passed into the subprocess even though no changes had been made regarding this.
Is there a best practice for parameterizing flows? Is this not working as expected? A known issue?
***Updated by Moderator: Marissa to update categories***