
Pega Developer
Last activity: 11 Dec 2015 11:11 EST
parameterized data pages
hi ,
can someone explain what is parameterized data pages and how they are used?
thank you
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Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Shammi,
have you checked this PDN KB article :
It has good information about the usage of parameter with data page .

Pega Developer
hi Santanu,
Thank you so much. I'll go through it.
Thank you.

Please go into the data page rule form and bring up the contextual help. If it does not describe how parameters work with data pages, or if it does describe it but insufficiently, please let us know the insufficiency so we can improve the documentation. Thanks. /Eric

Tech Mahindra
Hello Eric,
Thanks for the information. i have a question regarding parameterized Data Page @ Node Level. In our load activity we are hitting a service and getting the results back, if for any reason service is unavailable the call will fail but the a blank Data page is getting created in the memory,
How can i delete the Data page instance if the service fails

Pegasystems Inc.
The only means of manually clearing the data page, outside of the schedule specified on the Load Management tab, is to do an open the rule (Obj-Open) and execute the OOTB Rule-Declare-Pages.FlushDeclarativePage ACTIVITY. This will clear ALL instances of the data page.
-- We have use cases where we want delete a single instance of the data page, for those we have a wrapper to the OOTB Activity which we specify the target parameters.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Naveen,
You can have a status field . Set the value of this field to "ERROR" in case of service failure. Whenever you see status as "ERROR", You can flush values of datapage by calling function "ExpireDeclarativePage" which is available at baseclass.

Tech Mahindra
@ Sriram we tried this one also, but we were not able to delete it from the load activity....
We have created our own solution of
a) If in case of any failure that matches our criteria queue it for Agent
2) Agent will use OOTB pzFlushDataPage activity to flush this page, so we are using only max 5 Parameters which is OOTB. i think it should be ok.
I got my team raise a Pega SR for the same, waiting if GCS can provide some OOTB solution...

Tech Mahindra
Hell All,
Pega took this a enhancement request, for your reference
The enhancement is being considered for 7.2.1 release of PRPC ( US-110010: As part of this story create an engine API that will remove the older data page and do a fresh load of the data page when older load had some error. The scope for this is node level data pages)