
Maantic Inc
Maantic Inc
Maantic Inc
Posted: Jan 16, 2017
Last activity: Feb 13, 2017
Last activity: 13 Feb 2017 16:26 EST
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Repating grid souced from property. does pega has any OOTB method to handle paging?
Please refer OOTB Activity "pxAdvancedPaginateForEmployees" under Data-UIGallery-Features-Repeating class.
See attached three snapshots.
DesignerStudio -> User Interface -> UI Gallery -> Grid -> Paging -> Advanced (check it's configuration, last section, pxPaging6)
Thanks Susan for sharing the valid inputs.
I have analyzed the code, but this pagination is not working like RD pagination.
Let say per page, user want to display only 10 records, RD is pulling only 10 records from DB, it is good for performance.
But pxPaging6 example gets total number of records, then it do paging locally, it may led to performance issue on initial load. it loads all the pages record together.
Can you try the below?
Have 2 pagelists. One is the actual pagelist (PG1 -> Code-Pega-List)that contains 100 embedded pages. The other is the pagelist (PG2 -> Code-Pega-List) that is going to be sourced to the repearting grid. On every pagination an activity is called which loads the source pagelist (PG2) with data from the actual pagelist (PG1) where the limit is dynamically maintained in the top level page (PG2).
Let us know if this helps.
Ratan Balaji.
it is good option but eventually it lands in performance issue.
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