
Tech Mahindra
Last activity: 10 May 2017 1:09 EDT
Pagination is not getting retained when we sort on a column for a repeating grid
Dear Team,
I have a repeating grid which is populated with data. I have sort enabled on all of the fields and as OOTB, we click on each header column to sort it. For pagination also we have used one of the OOTB ones(which has show all link and showing first 20 records) as 20 is size of the list which we wanted to show max at one time. On clicking show all, the list expands to the total number. For example, if I have 40 records, it shall show 20 records and the show all link. On Clicking the Show All, it should display all the 40 records.
Now the problem is, if we click on show all to show 40 records and click on a sortable column header, we expect it to show us a sorted list of the 40 records. Instead, it shows the first 20 records with the Show All link again. It is not retaining all the records if we click on sort.
Please help.
Thanks and Regards,