PageList inside the Page is not persisting in a case
Hi, I have a case which has multiple subcase. In the subcase flow there will be some information which need to be stored in ParentCase. For Each Subcase one PageList is added which will store the necessary info of the Subcase. I am doing an Obj-Open of the parent case, adding that PageList inside the parent case and doing Obj-Save followed by CommitWithErrorHandling in a utility activity in the sub case flow.There is no error in Tracer and Obj-Save and commit has been executed succesfully. But when we open another subcase the PageList added is not there in pyWorkCover page. I opened the case stand alone then also I cannot see the PageList that has been added though the utility ran without any error. Can anyone help me out in this
***Updated by Moderator: Vidyaranjan. Removed user added Ask the Expert tag. Apologies for confusion, shouldn't have been an end-user option***