
Cognizant Technology
Last activity: 12 Jun 2020 7:41 EDT
Page vs Page list vs Page Group
Hi I am new to Pega and am planning for PCBA exam . I came across a concept called Page/Page list and Page Group.
I am unable to understand the logic why Customer is a Page, Line Item is a Page List and Address is a Page Group
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Shridhevi K Eranda Weerasingha -
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Accepted Solution
Updated: 17 Apr 2020 16:07 EDT

Hi Gourab,
Here you can take real life example of purchase order. Purchase order will contain lots of information like customer,Line items,coupon code, addresses etc.
for example
Purchase order id = P-1
Customer( Page): It will contain different type of data like Name,DOB,Address etc. Page is container for all these type of data. Customer record will be only one.
Name: John
DOB: 1/1/1900
Address: Address(Current):
Street : xyz street.
Postal Code: 001
Street Name: abc street.
Hi Gourab,
Here you can take real life example of purchase order. Purchase order will contain lots of information like customer,Line items,coupon code, addresses etc.
for example
Purchase order id = P-1
Customer( Page): It will contain different type of data like Name,DOB,Address etc. Page is container for all these type of data. Customer record will be only one.
Name: John
DOB: 1/1/1900
Address: Address(Current):
Street : xyz street.
Postal Code: 001
Street Name: abc street.
Postal Code: 002
Single customer record will contain many addresses you can check above current address, permanent address etc,
List of addresses is added using subscript like (Current) this record further divide using Street Name and Number
Likewise Purchase order will contains list of Line items but that can be stored in form of Page List that is stored using index
for example,
Line item(1):
Product ID:1
Name: abc
Line item(2):
Product ID:2
Name: xyz
Page group and Page List is same Page group is just more readable and Pagelist is easy to access using index number.
Hope this helps
Updated: 14 Jun 2021 7:38 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
The customer is page because it requires only one embedded page.
The addresses is a page group because as we can have multiple addresses like the address for home, office, etc, the subscript is required to identify the type of address (Page group is an unordered list)
The line item is a pagelist because it does not require any subscript to identify the type of line item as the same type of items can be multiple and it can be an ordered list (Pagelist is an ordered list)
Gourab Mojumder Anand G Viktoryia Misevich karan negi Sarmila Sivaraja and 13 More

Pegasystems Inc.
Page is a single entity.
A Page List property is numerically ordered list of embedded pages that are referenced by a numeric subscript, starting with 1. Page List properties are useful for holding lists of data.
Page List Items will be referenced as .LineItem(1), .LineItem(2) and soo on
A Page Group property is an unordered set of pages that is referenced by a string subscript. Page Group properties are useful when you need to look up specific pages by a unique identifier and the order of the pages does not matter.
Page Group Items will be referenced as .Address(Home), .Address(Office) Etc.
Gourab Mojumder Shridhevi K Thulani Imbulana karan negi ARTIBEN KUNJ JOSHI and 9 More
Accepted Solution
Updated: 17 Apr 2020 16:07 EDT

Hi Gourab,
Here you can take real life example of purchase order. Purchase order will contain lots of information like customer,Line items,coupon code, addresses etc.
for example
Purchase order id = P-1
Customer( Page): It will contain different type of data like Name,DOB,Address etc. Page is container for all these type of data. Customer record will be only one.
Name: John
DOB: 1/1/1900
Address: Address(Current):
Street : xyz street.
Postal Code: 001
Street Name: abc street.
Hi Gourab,
Here you can take real life example of purchase order. Purchase order will contain lots of information like customer,Line items,coupon code, addresses etc.
for example
Purchase order id = P-1
Customer( Page): It will contain different type of data like Name,DOB,Address etc. Page is container for all these type of data. Customer record will be only one.
Name: John
DOB: 1/1/1900
Address: Address(Current):
Street : xyz street.
Postal Code: 001
Street Name: abc street.
Postal Code: 002
Single customer record will contain many addresses you can check above current address, permanent address etc,
List of addresses is added using subscript like (Current) this record further divide using Street Name and Number
Likewise Purchase order will contains list of Line items but that can be stored in form of Page List that is stored using index
for example,
Line item(1):
Product ID:1
Name: abc
Line item(2):
Product ID:2
Name: xyz
Page group and Page List is same Page group is just more readable and Pagelist is easy to access using index number.
Hope this helps
Gourab Mojumder Shridhevi K Prateek Singh Dinesh Bhargav DEEP DUBEY and 3 More

Cognizant Technology
ice explanation .. thank you... the example helped