Openspan studio issue - 7.1.x will not use it's own Newtonsoft.json
Dear Pega,
In Openspan studio 7.1.x I can not get a script to see, and use Openspan's own Newtonsoft.json that comes installed. I created the attached script to make my needed call to a JSO REST API. I obtain the results, but I can not use JSON objects, and classes to desrialize the returned data. You can't see that the last using statement says "using Netwonsoft.Json;".
I added screenshot showing Newtonsoft is in the references.
When I then click on the "Validate" button to validate the script it throws this attached error.
How do I fix this Openspan 7.1.x Studio issue so that I can use Newtonsoft.json in scripts?
Thanks, Tom
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update Platform Capability tags; update Pega Academy to Product****