
Last activity: 29 Feb 2016 14:33 EST
OpenAssignment: reload on every interaction
I'm facing the following situation: I have MyWorklist section with my assignments in list. When I click on row, it opens the assignment. I make some changes and submit it. Confirm harness is shown. Then i open another assignment. And then I again open first assignment from the list (assuming I submitted local action and pzInsKey has not changed). And it opens Confirm harness again, without possibility to edit.
I have discovered that,for example, openWorkByHandle function has checkbox "reload on every interaction", that forces to re-open WO even if it exists in Recents cache. But there is no such for openAssignment,despite that I added this flag to Embed-Desktop-OpenAssignment class and it is shown as parameter.
That's all i'm using in PegaCRM, which I changed a lot but still using crm portals, skins, scripts, and so on
May be I can supply some parameter to openassignment js function?
Also, I tried calling activity doUIAction, with required parameters, but it fails in sub-activity acquireWorkObject, saying virtual lists unsupported or smth else like this.
Great thanks for any advice!
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Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
Upon reviewing the corresponding SR, we see that it has been resolved. SA-19518 was created as a result of the investigation. Please reference that if you have the same question.

HI Egor,
What is your PRPC version and CPM version?
I assume , you donot want to see the same WO in your worklist which does not have any assignment to perform whereas it is still showing you, is that right understanding. If so, what happen if you refresh that screen?

I'm using now PRPC 7.1.9 and CRM 7.14
The problem is when I submit some local action on assignment - in that case, flow stays on the same step and doesn't change its pzInsKey of current assignment. And even if I refresh it finds this assignment in Recents cache

So does it mean, even after completing local action, the assignment of the local action shown? or it shows the flowaction (which was primary assignment). If it shows primary assignmnet then its expected as local action will not progress the flow. Not sure if i still understood your query, it will behelpful if you can send few screen prints to explain the behavior.
What is the behavior if you login with OOB CRM Operator id - casysadmin / install.

The problem is that when you open assignment from worklist again - the confirm harness is shown, so you cannot edit/submit/ or do smth else. You get stuck with Confirm harness with no chance to reload it and see Perform harness again

Pegasystems Inc.
Hello. Does the assignment get removed from the database? If so, you didn't do a local action. How are you refreshing the list exactly? A screen shot might be helpful. I agree that it would be interesting to know if you see the same problems with casysadmin and then refresh after performing your flow action. If so, you've probably got a legitimate defect and should enter an SR. If not, you'll want to focus on what the difference is between the out of the box code and your customizations.
- Mike

Assignment is deleted and created again I assume - flow doesn't advance, it has pzInsKey like 'ASSIGN-WORKLIST MRKT-FW-CRMFW-WORK-TASK TSK-15!CRMCREATE' always, only pxCreateDateTime changes
The problem that crm doesn't use standard approach for assignments - when you click Edit on harness of Task for example, it launches crmEdit flow just to edit your work object. it doesn't refresh the assignment from MyWorkList too
But all I need is standard, usual approach. Just take a look on openWorkByHandle option. It has checkbox 'reload on every interaction', and it reloads any work object when you click on it regardless of changes
The same I need on openAssignment

Pegasystems Inc.
I'm facing the same problem in SFA.
Were you able to find any solution or workaround?

No, I'm still need some solution

Hi Egor,
A SR would be good to raise for this.

Pegasystems Inc.
Please let us know if you open an SR please by replying to this thread with the SR.


Pegasystems Inc.
Thanks Egor! I've updated the thread!
Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
Upon reviewing the corresponding SR, we see that it has been resolved. SA-19518 was created as a result of the investigation. Please reference that if you have the same question.