
Wells Fargo
Last activity: 3 Nov 2022 15:28 EDT
OOTB pzDelayedQueueProcessorSchedule Job scheduler getting stale , unless server is restarted
We have a requirement for which we used queue processor. The configurations done for the queue processor are:
In queue processor:
Type is selected as delayed
In Queue-For-Processing method,
1. Write now is not selected
2. Queue type is dedicated
3. Date/Time delay is given as 2 min from creation time
The items is getting queued and since it is delayed type of item , the pzDelayedQueueProcessorSchedule job scheduler is responsible for picked up the delayed item once the date/time selected while queuing is crossed. But in multiple instances and different environments, this OOTB job scheduler is going stale and the next run time is getting stuck at a certian date/time, way past the current time. Unless we restart the server we are unable to start the job scheduler back.
THis is causing the items which are delayed just getting stuck in the queue,.
***Edited by Moderator Marije to add Support Case Details; ***