OOTB DateTime property- PySLADeadline value decreases by 1 day, if I do on change- refresh section
I am using the OOTB DateTime property pySLADeadline (save as in the custom class from Work- Class) in the new Harness section of my Case Type.
Setting the default value for it using @addCalendar() function.
There are other fields on new Harness section where I have "On Change-Refresh Section" action on every field. Say fields are Country and State.
However, on every "On change - Refresh section" action, the pySLADeadline value is getting decreased by 1 day.
For eg. On loading of new Harness section pySLADeadline default value is set as 1/17/2019 and when I Change the Country field "On change-Refresh section" action gets called which changes the pySLADeadline value to 1/16/2019. And values goes on decreasing by 1 day till I do the "On change- refresh section" action on the fields-Country and State.
Not sure why this is happening.Tried to debug the issue in tracer but not able to come to a conclusion.
Please let me know , if any one has faced the similar issue.
***Edited by Moderator: Pallavi to update platform capability tags***