One hour is adding to actual date time during GMT format conversion
Hi All,
I am getting input values from DB with below SQL query using RDB list from PEGA application.
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Hi All,
I am getting input values from DB with below SQL query using RDB list from PEGA application.
convert(varchar(64), min(pxCreateDateTime), 112) + 'T' +
replace(convert(varchar(64), min(pxCreateDateTime), 108), ':', '') + '.000' as StartTime,
convert(varchar(64), max(pxUpdateDateTime), 112) + 'T' +
replace(convert(varchar(64), max(pxUpdateDateTime), 108), ':', '') + '.000' as EndTime
from dbo.pc_work
where pxCreateDateTime > convert(char(10), getdate(), 101)
Results are :
ProcsStartTime =20170717T000108.000 & ProcsEndTime=20170717T010405.000
from the above example start time is 12:01:08 & end time is 01:04:05
Now I am calling the same RDB list in my activity and i am passing the results to startDate(DateTime) and EndDate(DateTime) parameters. Obviously pega converting them to GMT and the values for parameters are as below
EndAsString | 20170717T010405.000 (Came from DB as 01:04:05AM EST) |
EndDate | 20170717T060405.000 GMT (After Pega converting to GMT it becomes02:04:05 EST ) |
StartAsSting | 20170717T000108.000 (Came from DB as 12:01:08 AM EST) |
StartDate | 20170717T050108.000 GMT (After Pega converting to GMT it becomes01:01:08 EST) |
Can anyone let us know what would be the reason why an extra hour is being added in 7.X? in 5.4 version same logic works fine but in 7.X it is not working.
In my operator ID time zone as America/New_york
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