
HTC Global Services Inc
Last activity: 21 Jan 2020 1:09 EST
OCR Properties are not showing in Pega Studio
I have successfully installed "PegaRobotOCREssentialsSetup" but am not seeing any options releated to OCR in the Methods. please advise is there any other installation to be done.
***Moderator Edit-Vidyaranjan: Updated Platform Capability***
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Pegasystems Inc.
I don't believe anything other than the DocumentOCR component actually shows anywhere. Here are the articles linked in the installation guide about the OCR installation. You should already have methods on a given form to click (double-click, etc...) items by OCR. These are merely enabled by the instalation of the OCR Essentials.

HTC Global Services Inc
i can see some methods as 'ClickByOCR' for the buttons from Calculator but am not seeing this methods for web elements( was tried with imagebutton attached in previous comment)

Pegasystems Inc.
The ClickByOCR methods are only available for Windows Forms controls.

HTC Global Services Inc
Thank you. is there any other way to extract the text from the webcontrol (which is having Captcha code ) ? i found only option "GetScreenShot" to save as image and used documentOCR to extract the data but screen shot getting for entire page instead of specific web control.

Pegasystems Inc.
I don't believe you are going to be able to work with a captcha. Even if you could process it via OCR, the text won't be regular, so your odds of accuracy are really low with any OCR technology. Given that they are designed to thwart robotic or automated processes, I would try to pursue a different use case or make this step a manual one.

HTC Global Services Inc
It is simple captcha and i was already done with other RPA tool ( i took screenshot for specific area and saved as image file then extracted text )
now am looking to take a screenshot for specific area ( left, Top, Bottom , width ) in Pega.
is there any method available to take a screenshot at specific area in Pega ?

Boubyan Bank
Hi, if you are working with a webAdapter / web application, there is a direct Pega Robotics component "getScreenShot" to take snapshot
you will find it under the methods of the WebPage ( note : it will be for the webpage )
I hope , you are trying for a web page....
and Yes , if the capacha is pretty simple, then it should work, but , again it is dependent on the capability of the inbuild Abby OCR
for windows application , we have to take a workaround with c# code for snapshot.

HTC Global Services Inc
Thank you. Now it dosen't matter to extract the text from image. i used "GetScreenShot" method but it is taking entire page and it is webpage only. am looking to capture specific area (eg: Crop image ) so i can take a screenshot at "CaptchaImage" to extract the text.
attached the sample capture area command. if the similar options available in Pega please let me know