Last activity: 9 Jan 2025 11:23 EST
No Registration or Vendor User portal is getting displayed on the WebEmbed portal. Error is throwing - 401
I am facing following issue for my VM instance -
Use case#1: Pega Academy instance is being used in VM [VMWare Workstation Pro]
1. Pega excercise system is installed.
2. MDC Application is imported.
3. With the Pega instance which is running within VM, - existing "Partner Registration" and "Vendor Resgistration" Web Embed channel is used to generate Mash up code for these 2 channels.
4. Web Embed codes are pasted with in the /opt/tomcat/webapps/PASample/case1.html or case2.html
5. No User portal is getting displayed on the Mash up portal for either of the Web Embed channel. Error is throwing - 401. unable to authenticate ""
Use case#2: Pega Academy instance is being used in VM [VMWare Workstation Pro] + Pega Cloud Instance is used
1. With the Pega instance which is running in Pega Cloud [my Pega cloud instance for Pega Academy], - existing "Partner Registration" and "Vendor Resgistration" Web Embed channel is used to generate Mash up code for these 2 channels.
2. Web Embed codes are pasted with in the /opt/tomcat/webapps/PASample/case1.html or case2.html [in the tomcat instance running within VMWare ]
I am facing following issue for my VM instance -
Use case#1: Pega Academy instance is being used in VM [VMWare Workstation Pro]
1. Pega excercise system is installed.
2. MDC Application is imported.
3. With the Pega instance which is running within VM, - existing "Partner Registration" and "Vendor Resgistration" Web Embed channel is used to generate Mash up code for these 2 channels.
4. Web Embed codes are pasted with in the /opt/tomcat/webapps/PASample/case1.html or case2.html
5. No User portal is getting displayed on the Mash up portal for either of the Web Embed channel. Error is throwing - 401. unable to authenticate ""
Use case#2: Pega Academy instance is being used in VM [VMWare Workstation Pro] + Pega Cloud Instance is used
1. With the Pega instance which is running in Pega Cloud [my Pega cloud instance for Pega Academy], - existing "Partner Registration" and "Vendor Resgistration" Web Embed channel is used to generate Mash up code for these 2 channels.
2. Web Embed codes are pasted with in the /opt/tomcat/webapps/PASample/case1.html or case2.html [in the tomcat instance running within VMWare ]
3. No User portal is getting displayed on the Mash up portal for either of the Web Embed channel. Error is throwing - 401. unable to authenticate "https://<Pega Cloud Instance host Name>/prweb/"
Use case#3: Pega Cloud Instance is used + local Tomcat server
1. With the Pega instance which is running in Pega Cloud [my Pega cloud instance for Pega Academy], - existing "Partner Registration" and "Vendor Resgistration" Web Embed channel is used to generate Mash up code for these 2 channels.
2. Tomcat is installed in my local machine [windows]. Tomcat is up and running.
3. Web Embed codes are pasted with in the <File Location for Local Tomcat Server>/webapps/PASample/case1.html or case2.html
4. Both the Web Embed channels are working as expected and displaying user form.
can you please let me know what is missing in the VMware version of tomcat ?