Last activity: 18 Apr 2019 0:28 EDT
No able to run DataTransforms CSA 7.4 version
Applied DataTransform to the flow action and when tried running the case it shows the Status:Fail message ,Please find attached screenshot.I tried deleting cache and opened in new browser as well still the issue persists which I could not further move to next exercises of CSA 7.4 version.Please suggest .Thanks in Advance.
***Moderator Edit-Vidyaranjan: Moved from PSC to Academy***
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Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Lakshmi,
You can try running the tracer or get PegaRULES log to find the cause of the error. Please attach the logs, if any got printed while running the case
Hi SreePriya,
Thanks for the reply ,I tried looking into the tracer ,it says data transform unnamed,attached the screenshot.Please suggest.
Pegasystems Inc.
screenshot did not help much, do you see any fail event in the tracer or pega logs?
Pegasystems Inc.
Find the attached screenshot.
Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Lakshmi,
I would be curious to know which lesson you are currently exploring and let me know where exactly you are blocked. Also please share the screen shots of your data transform configuration along with the flow action where you configured it.
I tried looking into the tracer ,it says data transform unnamed -> unnamed is not the name of the data transform which is seen in the step page column, the name of the rule can be seen in the 2nd column at the right most in your tracer i.e. @baseclass pyDefault
As per my understanding looking into your screen shot the pyDefault data transform is available in your TGB-HRApps-Work-BenefitsEnrollment class, so you might need to look into TGB-HRApps-Work-BenefitsEnrollment pyDefault entry in your tracer to analyze its execution.
Mahesh M
Hi Mahesh,
Thanks for the reply, Please find the attached screenshots of detail data transform how I applied.
Steps:1)In the designer Studio through application explorer I created a Datatransform called 'Initialize Spouse' using when rule as shown in the Datatransfrom_2 screenshot.
2)I applied the Data transform in the flow action of process in the 'Confirm Employee Information' connector and saved the entire process.
3) Now when i run the data transform I see the error as show in the 'Pega_excersise_screenshot'
This happens to me twice before as well that time I contacted the Pega team through mail they had given the empty case by deleting the whole data(stages and lifecycles) which is not a preferred solution .
Could you please help me.
Hi SreePriya,
I tried looking in to the PegaRULES.log file ,it says PbRuntime Error.Please find the attached screenshot for the log data.
Maynak Dubey