Needs to Open resolved work-item in new tab of manager portal.
Hi All,
We are trying to open resolved work-items(Archived) using HTML control. Below is the snippet we are using for opening in new window:
function openInNewWindow(strWorkUrl){
var strWindowName = "ArchivedWorkItem_" + threadName; var nWndTop = window.screen.height * .10 ; var nWndLeft = window.screen.width * .15; var nWndHeight = window.screen.height * .60; var nWndWidth = window.screen.width * .80; var sfeatures = "status=no,toolbar=yes,menubar=no,location=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,left=" + nWndLeft + ",top="+ nWndTop + ",height=" + nWndHeight + ",width=" + nWndWidth;
var objWnd =,strWindowName,sfeatures); objWnd.focus(); }
But in this case, WorkItem is opening in new popup window. But we want to open in new tab of manager portal. Can anyone please help us?
Note: All this workitems are resolved(Archived) cases, So as per old implemention we need to use HTML control only. So we can't use options from the Actions tab.