Need help in implementing Connect-REST (Post Method for sending Document)
We have requirement to implement Connect-Rest to post documents over the web service for 3rd party application, and 3rd party Rest service implemented in such away that we have to send 3 parameters in request body itself as a multipart.
we have implemented solution using java code and its working fine as expected when we run through eclipse, but we are facing issues when we try to implement same java code in activity java step. we are expecting assistance on implementing this with either Connect-REST or using JAVA step in actvity.
Instructions on have already been used. But there are 2 additional parameters called SessionTicket and folderUid which have to be sent as Strings. But in InvokeHTTPConnector, everything is getting converted into Bytes and hence the webservice is failing.
Java Code which implemented in eclipse:
We have requirement to implement Connect-Rest to post documents over the web service for 3rd party application, and 3rd party Rest service implemented in such away that we have to send 3 parameters in request body itself as a multipart.
we have implemented solution using java code and its working fine as expected when we run through eclipse, but we are facing issues when we try to implement same java code in activity java step. we are expecting assistance on implementing this with either Connect-REST or using JAVA step in actvity.
Instructions on have already been used. But there are 2 additional parameters called SessionTicket and folderUid which have to be sent as Strings. But in InvokeHTTPConnector, everything is getting converted into Bytes and hence the webservice is failing.
Java Code which implemented in eclipse:
java code which we tried in java step in Activity: