
Capgemini Sverige AB
Last activity: 12 Oct 2017 8:41 EDT
Need to handle 2.5 Million records
I need to process around 2.5 million records from external database table. need to fetch it through Report Definition in an activity and process it.
Can someone please suggest the best way to handle it in optimized way?
Thanks in Advance,
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Pegasystems Inc.
It sounds like your use case may be better suited for something like BIX which is more equipped to handle this sort of data mining. Have you considered that option instead?

Capgemini Sverige AB
Hi Rett,
No, we haven't tried this. can you please give more details related to BIX.

Capgemini Sverige AB
And is there any other way to do it using RD and Activity itself like looping through Pagecount or results?

Please use Data Flows that is available as part of Decisioning framework. Nowerdays decisioning is a part of Pega only so you should already be having it. By the way what are you trying to achieve from that 2.5 million records?

Capgemini Sverige AB
Hi Arjunlath,
We are retrieving 2.5 million records, checking some business conditions, creating cases and saving in different tables. around 1.5 million records may get dropped in process and will be creating cases for 1 million records.
But, here we are not Decision framework, so cannot use data flows.

if your report will retrieve a large number of records, definitely turn on "paging" on the report. Sometimes, even though your db is 2.5 million records, you don't intend to retrieve many at a time. Reduce the number of columns you retrieve until you get a sense of the performance. /Eric

Capgemini Sverige AB
Hi Ericosman,
Our DB has more than 4 million records, our process will be fetching around 2.5 million records and process.

Bits in Glass

Pegasystems Inc.
HI Srini,
BIX is one the best approaches you can try in this usecase.
Please check the following article for the information on BIX,installation and usage:

Incessant Technologies
Hi Srini,
I hope I understand your requirement. You to need read records from DB table, perform some business logic & repeat this process till some record count reaches or some condition is met.
If this is correct then why don't you to try Agent which execute one activity with Obj-open/browse , perform business logic on row(s) and configure agent to repeat after some time. Few merits to this solution.
You don't need to initiate the process by yourself. It is automatic as per configuration
Process will run in the back end so no human effort to run this.
Since you need to process few million records so if you do it at one short then it might cause performance issue in system. But agent will do it in sequence with only few records at one short.
You can choose the time to perform this job, when system is less used for business.
Hope this will help you.