
Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 25 Jun 2020 2:23 EDT
Multiple select is allowed for Repeating Dynamic Layout
This is an issue with Radio Button on Grid. I am using Repeating Dynamic Layout for repeating an entire section. I am simply trying to build a UI where user can select only 1 out of this repeating Grid but PRPC is allowing multiple select. I tried the following 3 radio button controls but none of them works. I know radio button does not work well with Repeating Grid but it is even worse with Repeating Dynamic Layout.
1. pzGridRadioButton => Multiple selection is allowed (which is not correct behavior for radio button nature)
2. pyRadiobuttonsSelectable => Radio button won't even show up on UI at runtime
3. pxRadioButtons => Shows two radio buttons (True & False) for one Dynamic Layout (I just need one radio button without value)
I was advised to build a customized Java Script code or activity but actually none of them worked well in the past. Is there any stable code that works fine with above situation?