
Last activity: 16 May 2023 8:12 EDT
Mobile - Navigation Menu Item - Not Resetting the State
We have a mobile channel that is available for end customers. On the app we have 4 options on the menu bar, one of them Log Out. On the 3 main menu bar items we display a harness which itself contains other actions for viewing other screens, Basically Menu Items A, B, C each have their own harness and then inside each harness we display other harnesses so options A1, A2, A3, etc.When a user navigates From A -> A1 -> B for example and they click back on the A menu item, they're taken back to A1 as this was the last state of that view. What we want is for the main screen from A to be displayed, not the last action A1 that was done. It's my understanding that this is a mobile behavior, using Saved States on Fragments. We haven't found a way to override this behavior. We have resorted to trying to modify the behavior through a custom module on the android/ios app but given that we don't know the model/architecture of the Pega Mobile Client we haven't found a solution to that yet. We found the javascript functions window.pms.configure(configuration), with which we can dim the navigation menu. We found those functions as part of the Pega Mobile DevKit. If there's more documentation on this or if anyone has found a way to implement this type of changes using a custom module, it would be of great help to understand how you did it. I'm attaching a word document with the steps we follow to reproduce the behavior the app has at the moment.