Last activity: 22 Nov 2019 12:25 EST
MKT_CUSTOMER table columns do not map to PegaMKT-Data-Customer data model
The DDL executed during installation of Pega Marketing 8.2 creates a MKT_CUSTOMER table with columns such as address, address_verified, billing_system, etc. There are several dozen such properties. Opening the PegaMKT-Data-Customer class and testing the mapping displays issue messages for each of these columns of the form:
"Class PegaMKT-Data-Customer is mapped to external data table pega.MKT_CUSTOMER in database ExternalMKTData, but the column address does not have the corresponding Rule-Obj-Property address"
Is this the correct DDL script? Is the expectation that I need to create a new customer table and database table mapping rule? Not sure how to move forward with the installation at this point.