Infosys Limited
Last activity: 2 Jul 2024 7:08 EDT
Member since (Year) Issue with my PDN account
Hi Team,
I could see different Member Since (Year) in my profile and in the community posts. It should be Member since 2018, but in the community posts it is coming as Member since 2021 which is incorrect. Could you please correct the Member since in all the areas of my account so that it should be Member since 2018.
I have already sent an email to the Pega support team ([email protected]) 4 month back where the ticket (REQ-786500) was also raised for the same but it didn't get resolved. I am requesting the Pega support team to fix this issue on a priority basis.
Screenshot of my profile:
Screen shot in the Pega support community:
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Accepted Solution
Updated: 2 Jul 2024 7:07 EDT
Pegasystems Inc.
Updated: 30 Jun 2024 2:34 EDT
Tata Consultancy Services
Hi @P.Siva.Praveen,
This is the correct only. You have been a member since 2018; I agree. But when did you join your current company, starting in 2021?
Thanks, Ashok
Updated: 13 May 2024 21:30 EDT
Infosys Limited
Thats not true.. in between i have changed couple of companies. The only issue is while changing from first company to second company, i have created new pdn account and raised the merge request. Though the new account merged with old pdn account, the new pdn account doesn't gets updated with the Member since year only in community posts.
Maantic Inc
I've seen this happen before, when you merge your old account into a new one the date on the new one overwrites the old one. Its better to raise another ticket with Pega and let them know this issue.
Infosys Limited
Hi Team, I have already created couple of incidents (REQ-788402,REQ-786500 ) to pega support team, but it was not resolved. I just now created one more incident (REQ-809804). As this issue is running for a long time, I request pega support team to fix this on priority basis.
Requesting @MarijeSchillern and to check with the respective teams and expedite this.
Pegasystems Inc.
@P.Siva.Praveen we'll check this for you.
Pegasystems Inc.
Thanks for reaching out regarding this. I've sent communication internally and will let you know when I hear back.
Infosys Limited
Hi @MarissaRogers / @MarijeSchillern ,
The support case ( REQ-809804) which I have raised recently for this issue has been resolved with the Note: Support Center team is taking care of this issue.
Could you please follow up with the support center team to get this resolved. Thank you for your help!!
Pegasystems Inc.
So sorry I meant to tell you this yesterday.
As of now, there is no way to stop a download. However, after 30 days it auto cancels.
Let us know if you have any other questions!
Infosys Limited
I didn't get that. Are you talking about this issue?
Pegasystems Inc.
@P.Siva.Praveen No! My apologies! This is for someone else! Sorry about that!
After internal conversations, it appears your start date is only in here. I’ll check with the accounts team & follow up as soon as possible!
Infosys Limited
Hi @MarissaRogers and @MarijeSchillern ,
Could you please check on this issue and coordinate with the team responsible for resolving it? It has been pending for a long time.
According to the update I received from the recently closed ticket (REQ-809804), the support center team is currently working on it.
Pegasystems Inc.
I reached out to the team again today. They had told me that your start date is only an issue on the Support Center. When I hear back, I'll let you know.
Thank you,
Pegasystems Inc.
I wanted to give you an update that I have opened a ticket with our developers to find out why when we insert you in the Member Spotlight block that your start year is not the same as what we see in your profile.
I do not have an ETA on when this will be resolved at this time.
Thank you for your patience!
Infosys Limited
Hi @MarissaRogers and @MarijeSchillern
Any further update on this issue? I request you to follow up with the team who is working on this issue.
Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Praveen!
I have no further updates at this time as the ticket is in my backlog. Are you still seeing 2021 displayed anywhere? If so, please let me know!
Infosys Limited
I could see 2021 only in the support center portal. In the other areas, it is 2018.
Pegasystems Inc.
Thank you. I see that it says 2021 on your posts. We do have our team looking into why it is displaying incorrectly only here in the Support Center. Will update as we have more information available.
Infosys Limited
Hi @MarissaRogers @MarijeSchillern ,
Any further update on this issue?
Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Praveen!
Apologies that this is still displaying the incorrect year here in the Support Center. As far as we know, you are the only user who has reported this issue. I do have a ticket open with my developers for the Support Center. This may take some time, but rest assured that when I have an update, I will let you know!
Infosys Limited
Hi @MarissaRogers @MarijeSchillern
Any further update on this issue?
Its been running for a long time. Could you please check with respective and sort this issue. Thanks for your help!!
Infosys Limited
Hi @MarissaRogers @MarijeSchillern
Gentle Reminder !!
Any further update on this issue?
Its been running for a long time. Could you please check with respective and sort this issue.
Accepted Solution
Updated: 2 Jul 2024 7:07 EDT
Pegasystems Inc.
Infosys Limited
Thank you very much. Much appreciated.