
Pegasystems Inc.
Posted: Jan 29, 2020
Last activity: Feb 12, 2020
Last activity: 12 Feb 2020 11:12 EST
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In a report definition, we would like to retrieve a particular column but display it in a masked format in the report output (For example the account number). How can this be accomplished in a report definition
Accepted Solution
We have provided this functionality following these guidelines and this could be considered as resolved.
Hi Krish,
Using gear icon, change the column format source to Password (as shown below) in your report definition to mask the values while displaying report results.
Eg:- I have changed the property Make to Password format as shown above to get the below output.
Let me know if that helps!
Accepted Solution
We have provided this functionality following these guidelines and this could be considered as resolved.
Question Solved
Question Solved
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