
Last activity: 9 Aug 2016 11:46 EDT
Mapping Connect SOAP Response to Clipboard
Hello Guys,
I successfully applied my SOAP-connect and when I traced it, I can see the result of the expected response in the xmlStream, but, my question is how to map this response to the clipboard, so, I can use it in a local variable for example?
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Pegasystems Inc.
Check the online help: Here is the relevant part:
Map To |
Specify the destination or type of destination for the value in Pega 7 Platform. The choices that appear in the selection list are dependent on the data type specified in the Data Type field: |
Check the online help: Here is the relevant part:
Map To |
Specify the destination or type of destination for the value in Pega 7 Platform. The choices that appear in the selection list are dependent on the data type specified in the Data Type field:
If more choices appear, they each identify a custom function rule in a |
Map To Key |
Specify the key to locating the property or rule in the destination specified inMap To field:

Thanks a lot Kevin,
My generated Connect SOAP(attached) have as response Parse XML (attached). It is also generated from connect and Data Mappings. How to parse the xml in my activity after calling Connect-SOAP ? Sorry for asking too much questions , but, it is my first exercise with integration.
Thnhx in advance,

As you are new, you could look into the OOTB soap and get more idea on the mapping.
Try getHolding connect soap rule(provided OOTB) which has parse rule in its mapping. You could able to understand the working from that example.
If you still have any query let me know.

Thanks a lot Rajeev for your quick reply. It is a great idea, but, I didn't find the activity that called this Connect SOAP, so, I can see how mapping is done as inside Response tab of this connector, I have the same config if you check my previous attachments. Can you please give me the activity name as I cannot find it in "View References"?
Thnaks a lot for that,

Hello again,
Can anyone help please?

Hi Rosy,
In order to map the response, you could use Data Transform or Property-Set in the activity. And also pass the response xml to Apply-Parse-XML method followed by DT or property-Set in activity.
In Connect-SOAP rule, you could get the response in "Target Property" in response tab. You could play with the response.
Hope this helps!