
Last activity: 16 Feb 2018 14:01 EST
LSA 7.3 course content - GetNextWork exercise - update recommended
LSA 7.3 course -> Assigning Work -> Exercise: Designing Get Next Work
- In the solution for this exercise, below note is mentioned. This note applies to older version. In 7.3, CurUserHasRequiredSkills when rule is removed from the GetNetWorkCriteria decision tree. So, solution should be updated to mention that the decision tree should be overridden to include this when rule.
The Assign-.GetNextWorkCriteria decision tree does not need to be circumstanced for facility coordinators because that rule already contains the Assign- CurUserHasRequiredSkills when rule.
LSA 7.3 course -> Assigning Work -> Exercise: Designing Get Next Work
- In the solution for this exercise, below note is mentioned. This note applies to older version. In 7.3, CurUserHasRequiredSkills when rule is removed from the GetNetWorkCriteria decision tree. So, solution should be updated to mention that the decision tree should be overridden to include this when rule.
The Assign-.GetNextWorkCriteria decision tree does not need to be circumstanced for facility coordinators because that rule already contains the Assign- CurUserHasRequiredSkills when rule.
2. In the solution, when pulling assignments from other user's worklist, would it not be optimal to join the lock table with the assignment table so that lock contention is addressed? Otherwise, an assignment might be opened by other user (so, locked)
3. I doubt if the following business rule was addressed in the solution --> "The originally assigned facility coordinator has not yet started the assignment."